Sexual Harassment

What is Title IX?

Title IX refers to a federal law in the United States that was passed as part of the Education Amendments of 1972. The primary purpose of Title IX is to prohibit sex-based discrimination in federally funded education programs and activities.

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What Behaviors are Considered Criteria for a Hostile Work Environment?

A hostile work environment is generally characterized by behaviors or conditions that create an intimidating, offensive, or oppressive workplace atmosphere. It’s important to note that the specific criteria for a hostile work environment can vary by jurisdiction, and legal definitions can differ.

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What is Quid Pro Quo Harassment?

Quid pro quo harassment is a form of workplace harassment that occurs when a person in a position of authority, such as a supervisor or manager, demands sexual favors or engages in unwelcome sexual advances in exchange for favorable treatment or to avoid negative consequences in the workplace.

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Can you Sue your Employer for Sexual Harassment in Texas?

In today’s world, a safe and respectful workplace is a fundamental right for every employee. Unfortunately, instances of sexual harassment can still occur, creating a hostile and uncomfortable environment.

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Texas Lawmakers Strengthen Employee Safeguards Against Sexual Harassment

In this blog post, we will delve into the details of Texas’ expanding employer liability and explore the potential consequences and insights that emerge from these developments.

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